Micro Hydro Power Turbine Station Testimony:
We already sell to Malaysia, USA, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Austria, South America. The following is from our site:
Feedback from customer on Oct 18, 2013.
Hello Sophia,
I finally managed to finished installing power plant. I have been too busy in Ottawa with the Government but I have had a little time lately.
The Generator works very well. I have tested the generator with a full load it works fine.
I do believe there is a very large market for micro hydro generators in British Columbia. I have been discussing with the provincial government for a simplified process to get water rights for micro hydro.
I have attached a few photos of the powerplant as well as the control box.
I look forward to your reply
Canada Privy Council
Site information
Head: 20 m
Flow: 50-60 l/s
Turbine Model: XJ28-6.0DCTF4/6-Z (Dual Nozzles Turgo Turbine)
Rotational Speed:1000r/min (Directly Drive)
Generator Model:SF6.0/6
Output:6KW (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator)
Voltage:240VAC stand-alone /1 Phase
6kw turbine, 60hz models for North America current.
The hydro generator have auto load controller with system.
Canada is dual voltage 120/240. so we made generator with dual voltage.
Malaysia Hydro Turbine Site information.
We sent 300w micro hydro turbine ( XJ14-0.3DCT4-Z ) to Malaysia in June 2011, and the clients in Malaysia already finish the installation of it. It is working very well.