
FAQ Micro Hydro Power

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.):

Thank you for visiting our online shop. Here we are providing the frequently asked questions as well as the answers to assist you. We hope it make clear and informative for you online shopping.

1.Are all of your items in stock?
All Micro Hydro Turbines on our website are […]

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Hydro Power Station Site and Installation

Hydro Power Station Site and Installation

(1)The hydro power station site should be chose according to the flow and drop of water source.Commonly.the drop should not be less than 10m. It can be solved by building a water storage pond when the flow is not enough.storing at daytime and generating at night,but the volume should […]

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Turbina Hidraulica

Una turbina hidráulica es una turbomáquina motora hidráulica, que aprovecha la energía de un fluido que pasa a través de ella para producir un movimiento de rotación que, transferido mediante un eje, mueve directamente una máquina o bien un generador que transforma la energía mecánica en eléctrica, así son el órgano fundamental de una […]

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